Aria offers a comprehensive range of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) services to meet your business needs, no matter the size—small, medium, or large. Our services ensure your business stays integrated and compliant with your trading partners while staying at the cutting edge of technology.
Become EDI capable without managing additional software.
Are you looking to avoid costly upfront software fees? Do you need to exchange EDI documents only during specific times of the year or meet a retailer's EDI requirement immediately? If managing in-house EDI seems challenging, our cost-effective Aria EDI Outsourcing Service is the solution.
Partnered with FY Global, we provide an end-to-end EDI solution, handling your entire EDI operation. FY Global is an Aria Gold Certified Partner, supporting all inbound and outbound transactions for over 300 trading partners, including retailers and e-commerce platforms.
Our highly trained EDI engineers ensure compliance and help you avoid unexpected chargebacks. With our service, you retain control over your EDI department by monitoring transactions and receiving detailed reports.
We are committed to providing world-class customer service and exceeding your expectations every day.
Nowadays, achieving full EDI compliance with your trading partner is proving to be a tricky business. Failing to adhere to stringent compliance requirements, which differ from trading partner to trading partner, can lead to costly chargeback’s and the potential loss of business.EDI compliance Service To avoid this Aria Systems Compliance Service offers its assistance to companies who do not have the time, experience, or staff to achieve full compliance. Aria personnel has the expertise to navigate you through the stringent requirements of your trading partner. We will test run your EDI account and make sure you become a certified EDI partner. More importantly, we will put a system in place which will guarantee continued EDI compliance with all your trading partners. This way you will avoid costly chargeback’s and simultaneously have more time to focus on your core business – not on EDI compliance.
Value added Networks [VAN] are private networks where EDI related information can securely be exchanged between companies. Aria Systems is a certified GXS VAN Service reseller.
GXS Trading Grid® VAN enables the exchange of business documents electronically in a secure, fast and reliable matter. Documents can be sent in both the latest XML standards as well as traditional EDI document standards. Trading Grid Messaging Service can be then accessed via the Internet using a variety of communications options such as FTP and AS2. Aria Systems offers direct technical support and customized competitive packages tailored to your specific needs.
EDI VAN Service
Reliable, Secure, Any-to-Any Document Exchange Worldwide:
Exchange EDI and XML Documents: Use EDI (ANSI X12, EDIFACT, TRADACOMS, EANCOM), proprietary formats (spreadsheets, SAP IDocs) and XML (RosettaNet, ebXML) standards.
Communications Options: Connect to our service using a variety of Internet-based and private networking communications options. Supported IP protocols include AS2, AS3, HTTP/S, FTP/SSL, SFTP and FTP over private IP. Private networking options include leased line, frame relay and MPLS options as well as industry networks such as ANX and ENX. A number of proprietary and regional connectivity protocols are also available such as MQ, OFTP and X.400.
Administration Portal: Obtain real-time insight into your B2B transactions with Trading Grid Online—our web-based administrative portal. Register online, track the status of documents and obtain technical support.
Network of Trading Partners: Gain access to the world’s largest e-business community. Tens of thousands of companies are connected to GXS network exchanging billions of dollars of transactions annually. Chances are your customers or suppliers are already online with GXS.